Friday, February 24, 2012

3 years later


Thanks for the reminder to keep posting!

Crazy to think our internship was 3 years ago. Erica and I just celebrated our 3-year "engage-a-versary" -- because we got engaged during the internship! (Thanks again, Nik, for helping me scope out a sweet engagement spot -- Great Falls!)

Erica and I are LOVING living in DC and ministering at CHBC. So much, that actually we are extending our stay. This summer, I am going to switch to working 3 days a week as a PA instead of 5, and I'll be spending the other days working on the M. Div thru Southern, extension and online. We'll try to tackle the degree from here, but I will have to visit Louisville a bunch to get my on-campus hours. Needless to say, we're very grateful for the opportunity to stay around in DC.

Ministry has been good, challenging and rewarding. I continue to teach the New Testament Core Seminar, which has grown my love for the Word and hopefully helped my interpretation/application muscles at the "book-by-book" level. I get the opportunity to disciple and meet with various folks, and have recently been trying to encourage a variety of men going through challenging struggles. So that's been good and hard pastoral experience.

Erica and I are hoping to adopt a child internationally soon, and are trying to decide on an agency currently. Most likely, we'll be adopting from Ethiopia! VERY psyched about this and also overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork.

Garrett, you asked about books -- for Church History 2 I recently read Ronald Bainton's bio of Luther, "Here I Stand," which is excellent. Tomorrow for the same class I'll be reading "Christianity and Liberalism" by Machen, which I'm looking forward to. Mark got me his "favorite history book" recently, which is "April 1865" by Jay Winik -- if you're looking for an amazingly-written history, PICK IT UP. I knew little about the civil war, and this book focuses on the month when the war ended and Lincoln got assassinated.

I'm looking forward to T4G and hoping to connect with some of you there!!

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