Thanks to Garrett for pointing our hearts back to the blog. I write this note like a straying sheep now brought back to the fold.
Matt, happy engage-a-versary. You might remember that I ended up getting engaged about a week after you. So Feb 27 Stacy and I celebrated ours.
Stacy and I visited a pumpkin patch in October (that's why we have pumpkin stickers on our shirts in the picture). If you don't have five or six kids, you actually kind of stick out like a sore thumb at a pumpkin patch.
This semester has been a busy one for us. I am taking a couple classes at SEBTS and Stacy continues to do a lot of work around the church in addition to her role as a medical assistant. She will also begin classes at SEBTS this summer, working towards an M.A. in counseling.
Ministry has been going well...loving our staff and the people in our body. Highlights include teaching Wed nights guys Bible study, a series through 1 John in Sunday school, a couple of preaching opportunities and two trips to Haiti. I have enjoyed the personal relationships and discipleship as well.
God has dropped a pretty cool relationship in our laps. About three months ago, Stacy started carpooling with a non-Christian neighbor. One day the girl got in the car and asked "So why did Jesus have to come to earth to die?" Crazy how God orchestrates this stuff. That girl and her boyfriend have become Christians in the past couple months and Stacy and I meet with them each week for discipleship. Very cool to watch how God has unfolded that whole process.
I miss you guys. Regret that I won't be able to make it for T4G, but hope you love it. Merker, very cool to hear about the adoption. Can't wait to see a picture on this blog of you with your child....I know it may be a while, but looking forward to that still.
Sounds like everybody's family is growing except mine and Stacy's. So lets just acknowledge that elephant in the room. It's going to happen soon Lord willing...but no news at this point.
Hope you're all well.
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