Friday, February 24, 2012

Ahh... it was only 3 years ago

Gents, it seems it was just yesterday we were all walking this block.

One of us still does everyday. A lot has changed for Lara and I since we came to Southern Maryland. The church is a joy to pastor and God's Word is an endless treasure trove to mine. I really do have the greatest job in the world. Preaching and discipling and caring for God's people is a delight.

The tough part of the work is when I have to call people to repentance about things they are not eager to forsake. I found in my area a tremendous amount of spiritual malnourishment. Years of no discipleship and poor exposition have made this area very weak.

Just in the small church I pastor, I've encountered so much family breakdown, essentially coming to a break down of the Imago Dei for these people. There is an outbreak of men who impregnate women and yet they are boys who don't won't to work or take responsibility.

I've seen the single women in our area fall head over heels for these types of guys. The culture has strong influence where we are and of course, as you can suspect... they think I'm the strange conservative pastor because I call them to live out the confession of their faith.

I look forward to the day I have elders who can help shepherd the load.

Spiritually myself, I have found highs and lows. The fight to kill sin wages everyday. I will say that Paul Tripp's book Instruments in the Redeemers Hands, has been a great encouragement.

If you haven't read that... do so immediately.

Over the course of the year, that book and books by Tim Keller have been incredible for helping me when I feel very alone and defeated.

Love you all,


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