Monday, October 19, 2009

Manley on the Blog!

Great to be back on the blog. Matt, Ferguson's book is excellent! I highly recommend it and am thrilled to hear you are doing that with your friend. It covers everything and will allow you to think through issues and enable him to ask questions. I want to catch up soon, Merker. I assume you and Erica are doing well. I would love to hear.

Ryan, I have not forgotten about your sermon(s). I have been swamped. I intend to listen to it and give you feedback soon. Bishop, just a note also to encourage you that you have encouraged me in your faithfulness in preaching. Men, Bishop has a full plate, and he is charging ahead with ministry, and I am encouraged by that.

Stam, great to hear you preached recently. Please send the link! I would love to hear it.

Garrett, call me back when you are able. I would love to hear about your recent preaching ventures.

The Manley's are doing well. We are having a girl which completely shocked me. I am fully immersed with school (taking 12 hours, one of which is Hebrew with a man who is really intense about Hebrew named Fuller.) I really enjoyed seeing Mark last week here on campus. He is such an encouragement. And, Steve Wellum mentioned the 9 Marks ejournal on Multisites in our Systematic Class this A.M. Hopefully, that will get some good play!

I hope you all are doing well. Call me when you are able.

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