Husbands: Headship Means Taking the Lead in Reconciliation
Leadership means we must take the lead in reconciliation.
I don't mean that wives should never say they are sorry.
But in the relation between Christ and his church, who took the initiative to make all things new?
Who left the comfort and security of his throne of justice to put mercy to work at Calvary?
Who came back to Peter first after three denials?
Who has returned to you again and again forgiving you and offering his fellowship afresh?
So husbands, your headship means: Go ahead. Take the lead. It does not matter if it is her fault. That didn't stop Christ.
Who will break the icy silence first?
Who will choke out the words, "I'm sorry, I want it to be better"?
Or: "Can we talk? I'd like things to be better."
She might beat you to it. That's okay. But woe to you if you think that, since it's her fault, she's obliged to say the first reconciling word.
Headship is not easy. It is the hardest, most humbling work in the world.
Protect your family. Strive, as much as it lies within you, to make peace before the sun goes down.
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