Wednesday, February 9, 2011

David Wells described me. Ouch!

For you seminary students-

When I was a seminary student I struggled immensely. I did not have the back ground at all to support me academically or intellectually. By God's grace and many tears the Lord got me through and even with success. What a blessing some of you have going to seminary post CHBC!

In speaking of the typical college experience and what kind of students he encountered at the seminary as a professor, Wells described my background specifically.

" Some how they manage to graduate students who have no mental connections with the past, little knowledge of its literature, less of its great thinkers, scant ability to think for themselves, and for whom the prospect of writing a research paper is a matter for great consternation. I looked out on that class, I guessed that at least some of theses victims of the educational system were present. Yet here they were, gamely exposing themselves to what must have seemed to them like grave peril. Their desire to be in seminary was a powerful compensation for - indeed, a counter force to - the habits and disposition they brought with them."[1]

I'm thankful for good profs who step up and help!

[1] David Wells, No Place For Truth, or, What Ever Happened to Evangelical Theology?, Eerdmands Publishing Co., 3.

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