Thursday, August 20, 2009



Forgive my tardiness in contributing to this excellent blog!

Thank you, Garrett, for creating it!

I'm in NY for my best friend's wedding, so I can't type long. Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am still breathing.

Ryan, CONGRATS on being called at Kenwood. You have my prayers. I am confident that with the Spirit's strength you will be a compassionate and watchful shepherd.

Things are going WELL for me and Erica. The wedding was a blast. We were pleased at our pastor's presentation of the Gospel, and also with the comments we received from unbelieving family members about the service. Many of them said they appreciated the congregational singing. Score another point for the regulative principle! Erica and I were encouraged beyond belief by the presence, kind words, and generosity of our friends and family -- thanks to you guys too for sending texts, voicemails, and e-mails that week -- I was really built up.

The honeymoon was unbelievably fantastic. Ryan, Hawaii was everything you said it would be and more. We will post pictures online at some point of all our adventures -- surfing, kayaking, biking, snorkeling, beach-bumming and more. Erica and I enjoyed reading Galatians to each other nearly every day on the beach. We also started "The Rare Jewel" by Burroughs but the going has been slow -- it is very very good but we are very very human and unable to follow him for longer than a page or two.

Thank you for your prayers about the job. (Garrett, I saw that you posted on the day of my interview -- thanks!). I am now working as a music teacher at Clinton Christian School in Maryland. Scott Gurley and I are carpooling every day, which is fun. It looks like a good ministry opportunity. The school and the church attached to it are on a meager theological diet. But there are are a lot of people there that love the Lord and the lost, and they are happy to let me start every class with a devotional and a prayer. I shared the Gospel with 60 4th graders at the beginning of my classes on Tuesday this week, so pray that God would develop fruit from that and from future opportunities to do the same. I don't think that being a school teacher is my lifelong dream, but it's a great provision of God for now and I'm sure it will grow my character too.

Yesterday I went skydiving for my friend's bachelor day. YEAHHHHH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look forward to hearing updates from all of you on the blog. (Nik, I hope to return your phone call soon!!!!!) I miss you all!


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