Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pray for Geoff and Hinson

Brothers, let's pray for Geoff Chang this week as he and TML travel to Portland. Geoff will be meeting with the church, teaching Sunday school, and interviewing with the congregation in hopes of being called as associate pastor. See the schedule here.

1 comment:

  1. Brothers, thank you for your prayers! The weekend went really well. Many meetings with committees, small groups, ministry teams, Sunday school classes, etc... At one point, during one of the congregational Q&As, I was struck by how much I was learning in this experience and how well my time here at CHBC had prepared for this. At the end, all the feedback I heard was positive and the elders were really pleased with how the weekend went. They're still unanimous in wanting to bring me on, so now, all that's left is the congregational vote on June 6th.

    Again, thank you for your prayers. I'm really humbled and grateful for all those praying for me, including you brothers.
