Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Big Move For Us

We have good news and answered prayer. It looks like God is now allowing Jennifer and me to do what we've been wanting to do. We will be moving to Turkey in mid-January to serve the workers there. A great opportunity has come up for us, so we're going to take it. We'll be visiting our families in December and January and then coming back to DC for a weekend before we head out. So we only have a couple more weekends at CHBC.
While we're in Turkey I'll have an administrative job. We'll also be able to take the time to learn Turkish and to use our lives to share the truth with those around us. We hope to be there for a long, long time. I'm happy to tell you more if you get in touch with me.
Thank you for rejoicing with us in our great God and in the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ.

-Mark S.

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