Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Brothers, on Friday Kenwood began with UofL faculty/staff what CHBC does with Capitol talks. I met a lady named Wendy who, understandably, was troubled because she had a premature granddaughter still in ICU (she weighed about 2 pounds). We were to meet this week to speak about "a lot of things" she's dealing with. On Monday, however, Wendy's granddaughter died.

Wendy called today to see if I would officiate the funeral.

All I know about her is what I learned in 10 minutes of small talk Friday. She did mention that she had been baptized at a Baptist church long ago but hasn’t attended in many years. I know nothing of the spiritual state of her family except what I can deduce from the fact that I am being asked to do the funeral (so they surely don’t have a close relationship with any church or pastor).

Please pray for me as I seek the Lord's wisdom and direction regarding how to relate to this family, particularly from the pulpit (I think on Monday).

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