Monday, March 29, 2010

That's My King!

What's most astonishing about this is its overwhelming truth. But what is also surprising (and instructive) is that Josh kept this from us. Hear a portion of a sermon Josh preached during his Mississippi ministry days.

Friday, March 26, 2010

SEBTS, Lingle, Dever and Akin

Mark Dever - For Children Only - Mark 10:13-16 from Southeastern Seminary on Vimeo.

It was great seeing Mark preach at SEBTS.

One of the reasons it is great to go on these trips is because (you can tell by our expression) is that he buys us all any book we want. What a guy?

Me and Mr. Carrington celebrate our new books!

Top- Interns plus some of the staff out in front of Stealy Hall

Bottom- Danny Akin and Mark Dever discuss the 9Marks at SEBTS relationship

Look who I ran into. Mr. Handsome- Nik Lingle.

Miss this guy and I'm thankful for his friendship.